Getting The Most Out Of Your HVAC System

Whether you have got heating systems, ventilation systems, air conditioning systems or a combination of all three types within your premises, you need to ensure that you have a robust plan to maximise their lifetime and their effectiveness for you and your people.

Air Conditioning Condensers

We recommend for all of our clients take a long-term view of all HVAC equipment, planning ahead for at least 5 years so that you can budget intelligently and minimise unforeseen expenditures.  Planning ahead this far will also highlight any correlation between the condition of your HVAC systems and any long-term plans for your premises – for example, if you are planning to sell your building in 3 years, it would make more sense to repair an ageing or inefficient Air Conditioning system, or even install a portable air conditioning unit than invest heavily in new equipment.

A Salix engineer servicing a condenser unit

One of the most critical things for maximising the life of your HVAC systems is to put in place a planned preventative maintenance (PPM) plan.  This will involve placing the responsibility for this maintenance schedule with a reputable HVAC maintenance provider.  Keeping your systems maintained regularly has the following advantages:

  • Compliance – HVAC assets are kept compliant with external regulations such as Gas Safe or F-gas
  • Air Quality – clean systems with regular filter changes provide clean air to the spaces they serve
  • Reducing wear on working parts – regular cleaning, greasing and testing will reduce wear on critical working parts
  • Minimises energy consumption – a clean and well-oiled system will utilise energy more efficiently, providing the same output with less energy consumption
  • Increases lifetime – well-maintained equipment lasts longer, as simple as that!

Salix engineers on a PPM service

When you work with Salix as your HVAC PPM Contractor, we will provide you with a colour-coded list of remedial works, off the back of each service visit, guiding you as to how best to invest your repairs budget.

  • Red – the item is not working and has failed.
  • Yellow – the item is showing signs of wear or damage, and will likely deteriorate unless addressed soon
  • Green – advisory works to comply with best practice

A Salix representative carrying out a condition survey

Salix will work with each client to provide a long-term asset plan and tracker, helping you to budget intelligently and minimise unwanted and expensive equipment breakdowns.  It is helpful for you to consider the implication of a breakdown for your business – for example, a cooling unit in a critical IT environment will have a major impact if it fails.  In instances like this, Salix may advise clients to consider installing a backup solution as part of a risk management consultation.

HVAC maintenance is sometimes given low priority when it comes to budget planning, but in many cases, it forms a critical part of an organisation’s business continuity plan.  Speak to Salix today to book your free consultation, introducing certainty around your climate control systems.

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Rob Tuffin