Other HVAC & Air Quality Services


VentCare Air Quality Improvement

VentCare Air Quality Improvement


Following many years of success with our popular AirCare offering, we have recently introduced VentCare – a suite of air quality improvement services specifically designed around the requirement for ventilation in working areas.

The importance of ventilation has been highlighted and reinforced following the recent global pandemic and Salix Mechanical Ltd have responded with services to assist our clients in maximising the quality of the air in their working environments.

Services offered under our VentCare banner:

  • FREE Ventilation Survey
  • UV-C Technology
  • Air Purification
  • Disinfectant Fumigation

Free Survey


To assist you in your responsibility to provide a safe and clean working environment, Salix Mechanical Ltd has developed a FREE Ventilation validation survey, VentCare. We can analyse your current ventilation equipment and make recommendations for any changes that you may need to consider for air quality improvement.

Ventilation is often confused with air conditioning. However, ventilation is the actual cycle of stale air being replaced by fresh air from outside the building, as opposed to air conditioning or heating which simply cools and/or heats the air within a building. It is perhaps alarming to realise that a lot of offices do not comply with basic ventilation requirements, which puts these environments in the category of a toxic environment, in some cases worse than a badly polluted city centre.

There are various requirements set out by REHVA (the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations) and will vary based on the type of space, as well as the type of building – i.e. many modern ‘sealed’ buildings will have a much higher ventilation requirement.

Recent advice released by REHVA indicates that increased ventilation will have a positive effect on reducing the spread of any germs or virus

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Free Ventilation Survey
UV-C Air Sanitisation Technology

UV-C Air Sanitisation Technology


One of the only proven long-term air sanitisation and disinfection solutions to make these systems safe and minimise the circulation of germs is to install Ultra-Violet (UV-C) technology in conjunction with the ventilation ductwork of air conditioning systems.

UV-C air sanitisation technology can be retrofitted to your existing air conditioning or ventilation system in most cases and provides effective and long-term protection against airborne viruses, bacteria, and mould.

A key air quality improvement weapon, this air sanitiser technology is completely safe for building occupants and works 24/7 with only minor annual maintenance required.  Since it keeps biological fouling (mould) build-up to a minimum, it also helps to keep your HVAC systems working effectively, extending their useful life and reducing operating and energy costs.

Call us today to book your site survey and consultation.

Learn More About UV-C   Call us today

Air Purification And Disinfection Systems

Our Commercial Air Purifier Range

Salix Mechanical Ltd has introduced a range of commercial air purifier devices that can be used to provide healthy and safe filtered air by eliminating bacteria, mould, viruses, pollutants, and odours.

These portable air purifier units are compact and yet can achieve a full cleanroom environment with positive or negative pressure areas for infection control and UV air sanitisation.

Salix AP101 Model

Salix AP101 Model

The Salix AP101 air purifier unit provides high efficiency Hepa filtration and UV-C air disinfection and can be used in many applications for air quality improvement.

  • Compact and mobile design
  • H14 grade Hepa filtration for fine particle removal
  • UV-C filtration for the removal of bacterial and viruses
  • Simple filter replacement and easy maintenance
  • External connection kit for fresh air supply
  • Suitable for use in offices, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, classrooms, hotels and any other occupied spaces
Salix AP108 UV Air Purifier

Salix AP108 UV Air Purifier

The Salix AP108 is a versatile UV air purifier that can create a full cleanroom environment or be used in general office areas, waiting rooms, and other occupied spaces.  With air filtration levels up to H14 grade and the capacity to introduce or exhaust air, it can create either a positive or negative pressure area for complete infection control, patient isolation, and other cleanroom applications.

  • Cleanroom certified air purifier
  • Low Energy Consumption and low noise
  • Long Filter Life
  • O.P Certificated
  • User-Friendly Control Panel
  • Easy Maintenance

Contact us for pricing

Disinfectant Fumigation


Salix Mechanical Ltd is now offering our unique antibacterial disinfectant fumigation service for your ventilation ductwork and air conditioning filters.  This is more than just a cleaning service - our team of engineers are equipped with specialist equipment allowing us to offer a highly effective micro-fumigation on any contaminated surfaces.

Our AirCare disinfecting service is aimed at your HVAC system, but can easily be widened out to your whole working environment.  The specialist chemical solution that we use is completely safe and non-corrosive for all surfaces.  Tests have shown that our disinfectant destroys all known viruses and 99% of bacteria and fungi

Disinfectant Fumigation

Our Accreditations and Certifications

Salix Mechanical Ltd are trusted air conditioning installers and are certified to install and maintain all leading heating, ventilation, and air conditioning brands including Daikin, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Toshiba, Swegon, Samsung, and Fujitsu. As a certified contractor for these systems, this allows us to uphold the manufacturer’s warranty for your systems and ensure the best performance and efficiency while extending the operating lifetime through regular, professional maintenance.

Our engineers are F-Gas certified by Refcom and servicing is carried out in accordance with the Mechanical Services Maintenance Standards set out in SFG20.

We also carry industry and health & safety accreditations such as SMAS, Construction Line Gold, GFSL, and Achilles, giving you peace of mind that you are backed up by a professional and recognised M&E contractor. 

We are clear on our reason for being – not to be the cheapest air conditioning contractor, but to offer the best value to our customers.  This is because we firmly believe that the best air conditioning design and quality installation, coupled with a robust maintenance program is the most economical long-term plan.  Taking shortcuts today might cost less, but will almost certainly cause problems down the line. 

Book your service call

For more than 35 years, Salix Mechanical Ltd engineers have been helping organisations like yours create cleaner, more comfortable, more cost-effective environments – and we pride ourselves on being able to address the issues that others haven’t been able to solve.

If you’re having problems or you’d simply like an expert to give your system a health check, please contact us today.